Component Facades

As this code needs to support multiple different back-ends (AnalysisBase component configs and athena old and new-style configurables) this module provides a set of ‘facades’ which can be converted to the correct underlying representation. Components are created as the relevant type (algorithm, service or public/private tool) and are specified by their concrete type and name. In contrast to the underlying implementations, properties are not set through attribute access (e.g. = value) but by dictionary access (e.g. component['property'] = value). This is chosen to ensure that there are no clashes between property names and attributes set on the python classes themselves, but also because properties are a key -> value mapping which is precisely the model that dictionaries are designed to represent. Properties on child components can be accessed by placing a ‘.’ between the propery names, that is component['child']['property'] and component[''] are exactly equivalent. This means that property values cannot contain ‘.’ characters, but this is already more or less enforced by athena.

There is also a shortcut for setting properties from the constructor: any further keyword arguments passed will be treated as properties to be set.

tool = PrivateTool(type="MyToolType", name="MyToolName") = value

is equivalent to

tool = PrivateTool(type="MyToolType", name="MyToolName", property=value)

Setting Tools and Services as Properties

Tools and services can also be set as properties on components. This can be done by creating the tool and setting it as a property through the normal mechanism:

tool = PrivateTool(type="MyToolType", name="tool", property=value)
algorithm["tool"] = tool

is equivalent to

tool = algorithm.setPrivateTool(key="tool", type="MyToolType", property=value)

Similar methods exist to set public tools or services as well as to append to arrays of services, public or private tools.

Creating the Job Configuration

The actual configuration of the job is held by a JobConfiguration object. This is essentially a list of ConfigFragments, typically algorithms. The job can be created in the relevant back-end through the `create <../cpalgnodes.componentfacade.html#cpalgnodes.componentfacade.JobConfiguration>.create>`_ method.

Component Accumulator

To use the component accumulator back-end an accumulator must be passed, into which the configuration will be merged. The corresponding ConfigFlags must also be provided. The list of configured algorithms will be returned, but the full configuration (including these algorithms) will be held in the provided ComponentAccumulator. A sequence name can be provided, in which case all algorithms will be created as a member of that sequence.

job_config.create(accumulator=accumulator, flags=ConfigFlags)


To use in old-style athena job options no arguments need to be provided to the create method. The returned algorithms just need to be added to an AlgSequence.

athAlgSeq += job_config.create()


In EventLoop a sequence object must be provided to receive all the public components that must be created. The returned algorithms must also be manually addded to the sequence.

seq = AlgSequence()
seq += job_config.create(sequence=seq)